Satellite performing at PC Day in Tempe, Az, at Yucca Taproom.

P.C. Day: A Celebration of Life

On Nov 10th, 2022 long time music virtuoso Paul “P.C.” Cardone passed away, leaving a gap felt throughout the Tempe community. P.C. had been a staple in the Tempe music scene since moving to Arizona in the early 80’s, the days when Jim Atkins, Roger Clyne, Robin Wilson, and Lawrence Zubia were all beginning to prowl Mill Ave, their fingers on the pulse of what would become the essence of 90s rock n’ roll. Lending everything he had to the scene, P.C. helped newcomers and mainstays alike connect with the music and city he loved so much. From networking musicians to one another to giving those in need a place to crash to jumping in to play with every and any band who needed help, P.C.’s humble drive to guide and foster the scene and people he loved for decades led to him being dubbed “The Mayor of Tempe”.

On January 6, 2023, the music community converged on Yucca Taproom to organize the largest single day local-Tempe music event of all time to honor the life of the man who was there for it all. P.C. gave the shirt off his back, the money out of his pocket, the bass out of his case, and the car out of his driveway to support this music scene for over three decades, and Friday night they all gave back in honor of his memory. P.C. Day, a celebration of P.C.’s life and his influences on the likes of so many bands across Tempe music history, was planned and brought together by those who, alongside P.C., brought Apache Lake Music Festival to life: Brannon Kleinlein, Brian Stubblefield, Roni Helinski, with Ben Talty & Derek Armstrong of Yucca Tap Room, and assistance from Audrea Lim and a veritable army of those in the local scene. Well over 20 bands played over the course of the day, spanning nearly 30 years of Tempe music history. From 90’s powerhouse Robin Wilson of The Gin Blossoms, to contemporary favorites The Sugar Thieves, the long reach of P.C.’s imprint on the Tempe scene is nearly indescribable. Alongside the bands, the fans came out in droves to honor P.C.’s memory; it was impossible to wander more than 5 feet without seeing people smiling, hugging, and reconnecting with old friends. Despite being separated by time and distance, crossing state and international boundaries proved no hurdle for those wanting to pay homage to the man who represented so much for so many.

One of the most important aspects of the day was the unveiling of a new charitable foundation to continue the work that P.C. has been doing for decades. While the show itself costs upwards of $5,000 to $10,000 to execute, according to P.C.’s long time friend and singer for Future Exes Roni Helinski, any additional proceeds will kick start a new charitable foundation under Unity Through Community to continue P.C.’s legacy. All bands donated their time, and with the show selling out online and in person, there will prove to be a great starting point to continue fostering and growing the scene that P.C. loved so dearly. 

Things that were rad:

  • Fans spanning 3 decades of Tempe music history gathering together under one cause
  • People traveling cross country and across the globe to attend, reconnect and rejoin with friends from over the years
  • Contemporary band The Black Moods backed Robin Wilson of The Gin Blossoms, who beamed at his own son Grey Wilson, guitarist for New York based The Mercurys, who played rhythm guitar during the set.
  • City of Tempe officially recognizing/designating Jan 6, 2023 as PC Day with Mayor Corey Woods in attendance before The Peacemakers took the stage.
  • What Would PD: What Would PC Do? Is a newly formed non-profit foundation, extension of Unity through Community, created to “uphold an environment of creativity, generosity, and support within our music community…just like P.C. always did.”
  • Live painting by the likes of Deon Doughty and many other visual artists
  • Los Guy could not make the show, so Roger Clyne & the Peacemakers stood in. Before playing “Banditos”, arguably Roger’s most famous song, he told the story of how P.C. generously asked Roger to open for him pre-Refreshments day. The night Roger introduced the world to “Banditos”, P.C. came up after the set and told Roger that song would launch him into the stratosphere. It did, and Roger dedicated the hit to P.C. before launching into the wildly popular opening rift.
  • Never-ending flow of stories and recollections, from people across all walks of life, whose lives were forever impacted by P.C.
  • Band list: Banana Gun, Banshee Bones, The Black Moods, C3, Chocolate Fountain, Dead Hot Workshop, Dry River Yacht Club, Future Exes, Ghetto Cowgirl, Greyhound Soul, Haley Green Band, Jason DeVore, Jim Beach, Liz Rose, Los Guys, Robin Wilson, Satellite, The Slims, Strange Young Things + Wyves, The Sugar Thieves, Walt Richardson, other special guests
  • For additional photo coverage Click Here

Review & Photography by: Devon Adams, Jonny Stalnaker, and Joe Abbruscato